Dump Bin Display Stand "Construct Black"

Item number: 51.0369.2
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Product highlights

  • Modern design
  • Ideal for the sale of small parts and promotional goods
  • Flexible application options
  • Adjustability of the 3 acrylic boxes
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Product Description

Discover the "Construct Black" Dump Bin Display Stand, which impresses with its modern design and functionality. The three boxes can each be adjusted straight or at an angle, guaranteeing optimum presentation of your products. The black powder-coated aluminium frame adds an elegant touch to any salesroom.

The usability of the "Construct Black" Dump Bin Display Stand proves to be particularly versatile and maximises product perception through the appealing presentation of your goods. Increase your sales success with one of our "Construct Black" solutions. These are not only practical, but also aesthetically pleasing.


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