Edge Trim for Tent Floor "Terraguide®"

Item number: 82.0105.5
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  • suitable for Terraguide®-tent floor
  • tidy finish
  • prevents stopper edges
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Product Description

In order to provide a barrier-free access to your tent floor or event floor, the Terraguide® edge trim was developed (optimal e.g. for wheelchair users or for the pram). The wedge-shaped ramp section can be easily and securely connected to the floor panels at any desired edge point by means of a form fit. The highlight: The edge trim strips have a connecting mechanism that is the same for all sides. This means that there is no need for cumbersome left and right selection - the logistical effort and assembly time are thus significantly reduced.

The edge trim provides real added value in terms of attention: an outdoor-ready inlay turns the side edge of the tent floor into the perfect advertising medium for you. This is made possible by an appropriately dimensioned recess on the visible surface of the component.

Whether logo, advertising slogan or warning stripes - your message will appear durable and highly effective, as the inlay is securely integrated into the edge trim.


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