Flag Ground Stake

Item number: 80.1262.5
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  • Impale into the ground for great stability
  • Easy to use and reliable
  • To be used with small and medium flag poles
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Flag Ground Stakes

In outdoor spaces, the flag ground spike is a great way to use flags. The stake is used to pierce the ground. Once set-up it is a stable display that is perfect for use at festivals or any outdoor events.


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Product Description

When Would I Need a Flag Ground Stake?

Whether you're hosting a festive event, marking a special occasion or just simply displaying your patriotism, our flag ground stake provides a reliable and strong way to showcase your flags. It’s sleek and chrome steel finish ensures that your flag garners positive attention in the correct position at all times. Invest in our flag ground stake today and take your flag displays to the next level. Our ground stake for flags is a perfect choice for a variety of crowds such as homeowners, businesses, event organizers & anyone who wants to showcase their flag with pride!


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