Hanging Hooks from VKF Renzel
What different types of hooks do you supply?
Ceiling Hooks – these are used for suspending posters from the ceiling. With ceiling hooks ranging in height 60mm to 2000mm, there’s a suitable solution for everyone’s needs. Hooks can be latched over strips on a suspended ceiling or attached to self-adhesive hooks already stuck to the ceiling.
S Hooks and
C Hooks – shaped into an S and a C, these two types of hooks are ideal for hanging posters and signs up by linking one side through the poster and the opposite through your fixing. These metal and plastic hooks also come in a variety of sizes and thicknesses.
Adhesive Hooks – a variety of adhesive hooks are available to be directly stuck to the surface you want to attach your poster to. These generally require the use of a ceiling hook, S hook or C hook to then sufficiently display your content.
Pegwall Hooks – this particular type of hook is solely used to display a product on a pegwall system. Both single hooks and double hooks are available.
What can I display on these hooks?
Posters and signs are commonly displayed on many of these hooks, including C and S hooks, ceiling hooks, tube hooks and adhesive hooks. Products can also be displayed on the wide range of pegboard hooks. If the products needed to be displayed do not have a Euro Slot hole to slide these items onto the hooks, then hang tabs will be required; take a look at the
Hook Accessory “Stock Aid” or the
Adhesive Hook with Eurohole.
How do I know which hook will be the most suited for my needs?
Pegboard hooks, as mentioned, are suitable for physical products to be hung, if you have a pegwall display to attach these to. All other hooks are suitable for advertising materials, such as posters or signs and the specific model you require will depend upon the space you have, the design of the premises and specifically what is being displayed on the hooks at that time. If you’re not sure which hook will best suit your needs, then please get in contact with us and we’ll be happy to help you find the best solution!