Pop-Up Display

How your Event Can Benefit from a Pop-Up Display

If you’re planning on heading off to an exhibit, an event or a tradeshow, then you’ll want to make sure that your stand is as interesting and eye-catching as possible. One of the best ways for you to do this is by investing in Pop-Up Displays. The initial cost is definitely an investment but it will be worth every penny. Our team at VKF Renzel can suggest a range of excellent Pop-Up displays, which you can use time and time again to help draw potential customers to your booth. But how do our Pop-up Displays help you? What advantages can they bring to your displays? Below, we have put together a number of advantages of a Pop-up Display and how you can benefit from them.

Easy to Travel With

Pop-Up Displays are designed to be mobile portable displays. Whether you’re travelling from show to show, or you’re just heading out to a big event, you’ll want to take displays that are easy to move around and assemble. You’ll have a lot of things to do when setting up your display and a complex set up just won’t be a great use of your time. Our Pop-Up displays couldn’t be easier to put together. The self-locking, smart, magnetic arms will go up in seconds, taking no longer than a simple banner stand being put together. After you’re done, it all comes apart easily and folds away, making it easier for you to transport it, either back to your headquarters or on to the next space.

Eye Catching Display

Whether you’re at a big event or at a tradeshow, your aim is to be seen and to interact with potential customers. There will be hundreds of stands at a single event, meaning that your Pop-Up Display is crucial. These large displays have a lot of colours, which are eye-catching and the better the design, the more people will be pulled into visiting your booth.

Offer a Professional Backdrop

An empty backdrop isn’t a good look for any business, it is far more professional to have a good Pop-Up Display. If you want people to see your display and take your business seriously, you’ll want a professionally printed background. It will make you look like a business who knows what they’re doing and where they’re going. Working with us will help you to command respect before you even start working.

Help Maximise your Space

No matter where you are, space is going to be limited, that’s why you’ll want to take advantage of all the space that you have. Pop-Up Displays are narrower than you might imagine, ensuring that you have an impressive display that takes up very little space. This means that you’ll have more space for other parts of your display, ensuring that you can make the most of your Pop-Up Display.

You’ll be able to include other display stands, product samples and give your staff a place to actually sit down. When it comes to booths, those precious extra few inches can make all the difference.

What are the Next Steps?

If you’d like to order your own Pop-Up display, then we would be more than happy to help you. We can create the perfect display for you, one that can easily be the talk of the trade show. So, feel free to get in touch with us today and we can arrange for your consultation with our designers for a custom display. Call us on 01527 878311 to speak to one of our friendly team or email sales@vkf-renzel.co.uk
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