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Why Sneeze Guards Are Still Important

Why Sneeze Guards Are Still Important

Even though the worst of the pandemic is long gone, many people still want some form of hygiene solution when visiting a business. Even though almost all restrictions have now been lifted in the UK, the importance of using protective equipment remains the same for the health of both your employees and your customers. Since the pandemic, expectations on businesses have completely changed with decent hygiene being an expected requirement. Hygienic protection walls, commonly referred to as sneeze guards, have been very sought-after over the past couple of years and they are still being used in public places like retail stores, restaurants, bars and cafes.

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Why Should Your Employees Wear Folding Face Shields

Why Should Your Employees Wear Folding Face Shields

Face Shields are still an important part of day-to-day life in many industries. Health care professionals still need to ensure they minimise the spread of germs, bacteria, covid etc. and Face Shields are an excellent way to do this. Up and down the country, businesses have been ravaged by the devastating effects of the pandemic. Many businesses have had to temporarily close down for extended periods, leading to worsening financial situations.

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What Are Air Purifiers and Why Do I Need Them?

What Are Air Purifiers and Why Do I Need Them?

Air Purifiers are a great hygiene solution that can help to filter the polluted air in a room and replace it with clean air. If recent events have taught us anything, it is that hygiene is one of the most important factors of face-to-face business. Businesses now have the morale obligation and responsibility to make their premise hygiene secure. This is a common expectation, to make customers feel safe and secure in any place of work. Air purifiers are inconspicuous devices that have HEPA filter systems that aid in replacing polluted air with clean filtered air.

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Are Hand Sanitiser Still Necessary in Retail Establishments?

Are Hand Sanitiser Still Necessary in Retail Establishments?

Across the UK, you can see that life is returning to a semblance of what it was like a few years ago. Restaurants and other nightlife establishments are open, as are retail businesses. Week on week, restrictions are being lifted and places of work are far more accessible to consumers. Whilst this is great for businesses to get back to a greater level of normality, there are still certain considerations that companies should be keeping to ensure customers feel safe and secure. Here at VKF Renzel, we firmly believe all businesses should have hand sanitiser bottles scattered throughout their establishment.

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The Importance of Hygiene Products in 2022

The Importance of Hygiene Products in 2022

With the large range of implications and limitations still being felt from the last few years, almost all businesses need to make use of hygiene products. Here at VKF Renzel, we are proud to present a wide range of hygiene units, suitable for a variety of needs. All changes aren't going to suddenly disappear anytime soon and businesses will need hygiene solutions for the foreseeable future.

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Facial Masks and Shields: The Protective Equipment Your Business Needs

Facial Masks and Shields: The Protective Equipment Your Business Needs

Despite the majority of the UK being vaccinated and far less susceptible to hospitalization, this is not the time to start becoming complacent. This is an aggressive virus, and one that has shown itself to be incredibly damaging in a multitude of ways. Not only has it spread rapidly, it has brough businesses and countries to complete stand stills. As business owners, you have a duty of care - this is particularly true when you consider how important it is to protect your employees and customers.

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Are Hand Sanitisers Still Necessary in Retail Establishments?

Are Hand Sanitisers Still Necessary in Retail Establishments?

Across the country, you can see that life is slowly but surely returning to a semblance of what it was like before the pandemic hit. Restaurants and other nightlife establishments are open, as are retail businesses. Whilst this is great for businesses to get back to normal, there are still certain considerations that companies should be keeping to ensure customers feel safe and secure.

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Which Hygiene Products Should Your Business Make Use Of?

Which Hygiene Products Should Your Business Make Use Of?

Over the past eighteen months, the world as a whole has changed completely. The way businesses and organisations operate has been drastically changed. Millions of people have spent the majority of their time confined to their homes - where possible, working away from the office has been advocated.

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VKF Renzel - Here to Transform Your Company

VKF Renzel - Here to Transform Your Company

This has been a year where, in particular, the retail sector has been drastically hit by the effects of coronavirus. Due to people being confined to their homes, the norm has become to order products online rather than go in store. Thankfully, with restrictions gradually easing, things are starting to return to a sense of normality.

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Health & Safety Products That Can Help Your Diners Feel Comfortable

Health & Safety Products That Can Help Your Diners Feel Comfortable

With diners now allowed inside your premises, it is imperative to keep the environment as clean as possible using a variety of hygiene products. Whilst nobody would argue that health and safety has ever taken a back seat in terms of importance, you cannot deny that there is more of an onus in the current climate to try and keep on top of cleanliness. To make this a reality, you must have the right tools at your disposal; without these, do not be surprised to see your customers going elsewhere for their meals. VKF Renzel has a large variety of hygiene safety products on offer ready for you to use.

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