Queue Guidance System

Why our post and base sets are the solution to your queue guidance management: an effective solution for your business

One thing that many brick-and-mortar businesses struggle with is managing their flow of traffic. Not conventional traffic like that of cars, but that of people. It's one thing to have a successful, progressive business that stands out to customers. It's another way to manage a mass of customers wanting to engage with your business.
To remain competitively viable, businesses need to provide their customers with a pleasant customer experience. Any customers not sure where they need to go or having to wait in excessively long queues can lead to frustration and have an overwhelmingly negative impact on the customers shopping experience. 

This is why it is important to invest in queue guidance systems. These enable users to control the flow of traffic around their business. They are incredibly useful to businesses with both excessive amounts of space and those with limited space. It allows users to maximise the space they have and provide their customers with a positive experience, enhancing customer satisfaction! 

What are queue guidance systems? 

What is known as a “queue guidance system” typically is a collection of barriers that enable customers to queue in an orderly way. When done properly, this is a brilliant way to organise your business. There are multiple methods for setting up a queuing area. We offer flexible features such as post and base with belt, which can be rearranged easily for fluid, rapidly changing situations. Alternatively, we have more permanent options on offer which would utilise rope and crossbar systems. Crossbars are an excellent way for businesses to brand themselves or promote specific products/services using banner graphics. 

Quick, easy, and simple—all that queuing needs to be

Our post and base sets are easy to assemble, requiring no tools or equipment to build. They are available in two variations: black and chrome. These simple yet stylish colour options allow them to easily fit into any environment. What environments might they be used in? There are limitless applications where our queue guidance systems could be used. Retail stores, airports, events and exhibition centres, etc.—the list of applications are endless. Thanks to their weighted base, our post and base units are sturdy and durable. They are suitable for outdoor use, making them great for use outside of cafes, restaurants, or nightclubs. 

Types of Post and Base Systems: 


Utilising the crossrail accessory, users can display banners, advertising their business, promoting products & services. These are also excellent ways to isolate certain areas, such an outdoor seating area located on the high street. Not only will users have a designated seating area for customers, it will also be promoting branded content directly to passersby.


An elegant style, the rope system is another great tool for organising customer queuing areas. They can easily be rearranged, not having to be separated at fixed lengths. Here at VKF UK, we have a red rope to suit our black post & base system and a blue rope for our chrome system.


Belt post and base systems are the easiest system to readjust thanks to its retractable belt system. Users simply need to build their own queuing area to optimise the flow of their customers around their business. A simple, easy system to use. 

A simple system that will optimise efficiency

By having a designated, organised queuing area, businesses can optimise their resources, optimising overall operational efficiency. Staff members will no longer need to waste time having to manually organise customers. Freeing up this time makes any business more competitive and most importantly; efficient. Team members can now focus on delivering exceptional service to customers, leading to higher satisfaction levels.

Organised queues equals happy customers

One of the most significant benefits of queue guidance systems is how to enhance the customers overall experience. By minimising wait times, businesses can create a positive impression on customers. Shorter queues and faster service will lead to happier customers. In turn, this will increase the likelihood of repeat visits and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

Design your layout and business structure

These systems enable users to build their own elaborate queuing areas. Any business will know their own space best, and our post and base systems have the flexibility to allow businesses to use them as needed. An additional perk of post and base systems: they are easy to store away and do not take up huge amounts of space (when not in use that is!). 

Need more convincing?

We hope this blog post has helped you understand the importance of utilising the queue guidance system as a way to organise your customers and business space. These displays can be used anywhere, indoors, outdoors, in large or small venues - These are tools that enable users to strategically structure and control the flow of customer traffic. When used effectively, these guidance systems will contribute towards customer satisfaction, having an increased impact on customer loyalty and therefore overall business success. Utilise crossrails for promotional opportunities and organise the flow of your businesses. If you have any more questions about our post and base units, then please contact our helpful sales team. They would be more than happy to assist you with any questions or queries you may have.
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