Digital Signage

Digital Signage Mistakes to Avoid

In today's fast-paced world, digital signage has become an increasingly popular way for businesses to capture the attention of their audience and get their message across.

Whether it’s in a retail store, a corporate office or a public space, digital signage can be a powerful tool for communicating with both customers and employees. However, as with any technology, there are pitfalls that must be avoided to get the best out of your advertising.

In this blog post, we'll explore some of the most common digital signage mistakes and offer practical tips and advice on how to avoid them, covering everything you need to know to ensure that your digital signage is as effective and impactful as possible.


Why use Digital Signage in marketing?

Digital signage is a powerful marketing tool that has become an increasingly popular way for businesses to enhance their marketing efforts. It allows companies to display dynamic, eye-catching content that can capture the attention of potential customers and convey messages in a way that is both engaging and memorable.

With digital signage, businesses can showcase their products, services and promotions in a way that is visually appealing, easy to understand, and can be updated in real-time. Digital signage can also be used to create a unique, immersive brand experience that can leave a lasting impression on viewers.


Plan Your Content Carefully

One of the biggest mistakes businesses make when using digital signage is failing to plan their content strategy effectively. Without a clear plan, your screens can quickly become cluttered and confusing, making it harder for viewers to engage with your messages. When it comes to digital signage the message needs to be concise and clear, backed by a well thought out graphic.

Take the time to map out a content strategy, considering the different types of content you'll be displaying and ensure that your messaging is consistent and relevant to your audience.

Not only that, but it’s also crucial to make sure that it’s visually engaging and free of any mistakes. Therefore, it’s important to proofread all your content and messages before you display them. Minor mistakes give off the impression that you don’t care and can be enough to deter potential customers. It is unprofessional and you can guarantee your competitors won’t be making mistakes!


Don't Oversaturate Your Displays

While it might be tempting to fill your screens with as much content as possible, this can quickly lead to information overload for viewers. Instead, focus on displaying a few key pieces of information at a time.

Find a way to keep your displays fresh and exciting by switching up your content regularly to keep users engaged. This also comes with an array of benefits that help to avoid viewer fatigue and ensure that your messages are always being noticed.


Avoid Using Low-Quality Images and Videos

Digital signage is all about making a visual impact, so it's important to use high-quality images and videos to capture viewers’ attention.

Avoid using blurry or pixelated images, as these can make your displays appear unprofessional and can actually detract from your messaging. Make sure to also use quality displays that show your content clearly, much like the infowall LED floor displays. This quality, portable digital sign utilises crystal clear quality with a high-brightness version available with up to 5000 cd/m² for outdoor use.

Invest in high-quality content and displays that will make a real impact on your audience. Be sure to make the image relevant to your brand and message.


Make Sure Your Displays Are Easy to Read

When it comes to digital signage, legibility is key. Make sure that your text is large enough to be easily read from a distance and choose fonts that are easy on the eyes. Additionally, be mindful of your colour choices, as certain colour combinations can be difficult to read or may cause issues around accessibility and eligibility.

As well as this, make sure that the colours you use do not clash with your branding, as consistency is key.


Test Your Displays Regularly

Finally, it's important to test your displays on a regular basis to ensure that they're working as intended. Technology can be fickle, especially if your digital signage requires an external power source.

Check for any technical issues, such as screen resolution or connectivity problems, and make sure that your content is displaying and formatted correctly. If you’re using multiple point-of-service interactive displays, make sure to check that each one is charged, and ready for any potential customer.

Testing your digital displays will help to ensure that your messages are always being delivered effectively and that your digital signage is having the desired impact on your audience.


Need More Digital Signage Tips?

From content planning to display design, digital signage can help businesses stand out in a crowded marketplace and effectively communicate their message to their target audience in a novel way.

If you need more tips on how best to utilise your digital signage or are looking for quality displays that can draw attention to your message, you can browse our expansive range of digital signs or contact us directly at 01527 878 311 or email us at
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